Sunday, February 5, 2017

Cute Elephant Valentine Nail Art

Cute Elephant Valentine Nail Art Nailzini

February has started which means it's time for Valentine designs! I don't celebrate it, but it's always fun to come up with themed nail art.

Cute Elephant Valentine Nail Art Nailzini

I'm not the biggest fan of pink and hearts, but I wanted to do at least one design like that for valentine. Sometimes it's good to get out of your comfort zone a bit, or in this case a lot! I found this adorable little elephant card on Pinterest by Sharon Rowan and thought it would make and adorable nail art design.

I applied two coats of "Milkmaid" by Hema as the base for my middle and ring finger and two coats of "Sweet Watermelon" by Hema on my other nails. The design is made with "Edinburgh Realism 10"  brush by Stylishnailartshop and Hema polishes. For the pink nails I used "Wacky Walnut", "Milkmaid", and "Tulip Red" to paint little hearts.

Cute Elephant Valentine Nail Art Nailzini

I painted the elephant with "Sweet Watermelon" and used "Tulip Red" for the eye and ear. For the little hearts out of his trunk I used "Sweet Watermelon", "Wacky Walnut" and used "Tulip Red".


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